FAQs for Registered Team Leaders

Note: The Procedure document on the team leader portal outlines the detailed steps for each task. It will also answer many questions that you have. Please log on to your Team Leader account and read the document first.

Log on to your team leader account and click on 'Practice Problems' to find two sets of past contest problems and solutions for free. You may also purchase additional sets from our website.

Students are encouraged to participate in Challenge Math Online, an online problem-solving practice program.
You will be able to download the printable tests 2-3 days before the testing day. Please log on to your account and click on 'Procedures.' The document lists all the important dates: the date you will receive the contest problems, the alternative dates to host the contest, the last date to enter student scores, etc. The document also answers many of your questions, and it helps new team leaders get started. Please read it at your earliest convenience.
Unfortunately, you cannot. All participants must take the test and scores must be submitted within the designated testing window.
The make-up dates can ONLY be used for an entire team, not individuals. If an individual misses the test for any reason, no make-up test should be scheduled.
A student can only choose the same grade level he/she is currently in or a higher level. For example, a second grade student can choose to participate in a third grade contest, but a third grade student cannot choose to participate in a second grade contest. However, one student can only participate in one level.
For special needs students, please follow the same procedures for other standardized tests and allow for any accommodations agreed upon within the students' plan.
No. The only exception is special needs students. See the question above.
No, we don't. If you would like to provide your students the contest in Spanish or another language, you must translate the tests on your own in advance.
You can, but you don't need to.
No, you cannot. Only students who are on the roster may participate in the contest.
No, you cannot. The roster will be locked after the roster deadline. Only typo corrections can be made by request.
We understand that unforeseen circumstances can sometimes prevent meeting deadlines. While we must adhere to our policy of not accepting rosters or scores after the deadline for fairness and logistical reasons, we still encourage you to use this as a learning opportunity. You can host a 'testing' session using our published tests. To acknowledge your team's effort and participation, we will still issue one Team Winner medal for each of your teams, regardless of the missed deadline.
A team's score is calculated by adding the top 6 scores of the team.
No, you don't need to pay for the medals. The registration fee covers the awards and the shipping.

More questions? Please contact us at