Noetic Learning Math Contest Fall 2024

Public Private Afterschool Institution Individual

Grade 7 National Honor Roll
Go To States: [AL] [AZ] [CA] [CO] [CT] [FL] [GA] [IL] [IN] [INTL] [KS] [LA] [MA] [MI] [NC] [NJ] [NV] [NY] [OH] [OK] [TN] [TX] [VA] [WA] [WY]
National Honor Roll: AL
Place State Score Student Name Team Leader School
AL 85 Ryan W kong Birmingham Math Academy
AL 80 Wyatt L kong Birmingham Math Academy
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National Honor Roll: AZ
Place State Score Student Name Team Leader School
AZ 85 San Tan 1 Tischer San Tan Charter School
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National Honor Roll: CA
Place State Score Student Name Team Leader School
CA 100 Temujin B Serkek AlphaStar Academy
CA 100 Ryan K Serkek AlphaStar Academy
CA 100 Derick W Serkek AlphaStar Academy
CA 100 Aaditya A Irias AoPS Pleasanton
CA 100 Ahana D Dhammawat Individual
CA 100 Adit G Gupta Individual
CA 100 Ray K Pan MathSeed
CA 100 Shannie L Pan MathSeed
CA 100 Kayaan R Pan MathSeed
CA 100 Nikhil V Pan MathSeed
CA 100 Calvin W Pan MathSeed
CA 100 Raj C Luna Mirman School
CA 100 Daniel S Luna Mirman School
CA 100 Pravara D Dubey Random Math
CA 100 Thomas N Dubey Random Math
CA 100 Ramakrishna K Hovsepyan RSM Bay Area
CA 100 Lakshman P Hovsepyan RSM Bay Area
CA 100 Neil I Zurnajyan RSM Irvine
CA 100 Irene L Voronel RSM South Orange County
CA 100 Pranav K Spiegel Tessellations School
CA 100 Brandon W cheng Youth Development Resource Center
CA 95 Nivisha G chinnam Aasquare Academy
CA 95 Rebeca C Serkek AlphaStar Academy
CA 95 Aditya A Irias AoPS Pleasanton
CA 95 Rishabh K Irias AoPS Pleasanton
CA 95 Michael H Choi Choi�s Math Tutoring
CA 95 Student75678 Shaw Individual
CA 95 Rishabh G Pan MathSeed
CA 95 Elaine H Pan MathSeed
CA 95 Alisha M Pan MathSeed
CA 95 Kareena P Pan MathSeed
CA 95 Vishnu S Pan MathSeed
CA 95 Evan W Pan MathSeed
CA 95 Casey L Luna Mirman School
CA 95 William S Luna Mirman School
CA 95 Nikit Sai A Dubey Random Math
CA 95 Steven B Hovsepyan RSM Bay Area
CA 95 Albert F Hovsepyan RSM Bay Area
CA 95 PRACHI M Zurnajyan RSM Irvine
CA 95 Arnav D Voronel RSM South Orange County
CA 95 Dylan G Keller Sierra Canyon School
CA 95 Rohan L Chaturvedi The Quarry Lane School
CA 95 Dylan H Mills Town School for Boys
CA 90 Mason Y Choi Choi�s Math Tutoring
CA 90 Bailey C Wong Cool Math
CA 90 Aarav B Bhargava Individual
CA 90 Matteo A Pan MathSeed
CA 90 Albert C Pan MathSeed
CA 90 Rithvik D Pan MathSeed
CA 90 Louis N Pan MathSeed
CA 90 Pooja R Pan MathSeed
CA 90 James L Luna Mirman School
CA 90 Arjun G Dubey Random Math
CA 90 Jennifer D Hovsepyan RSM Bay Area
CA 90 Reyaansh K Hovsepyan RSM Bay Area
CA 90 Neel N Hovsepyan RSM Bay Area
CA 90 Neil S Hovsepyan RSM Bay Area
CA 90 Tien-Hung T Hovsepyan RSM Bay Area
CA 90 Jackson J Voronel RSM South Orange County
CA 90 Kian R Voronel RSM South Orange County
CA 90 Tucker V Spiegel Tessellations School
CA 90 Nathaniel S Chaturvedi The Quarry Lane School
CA 90 Ethan C Clapp Thurgood Marshall Middle School
CA 85 Ananya E Serkek AlphaStar Academy
CA 85 Advik G Serkek AlphaStar Academy
CA 85 Krish S Irias AoPS Pleasanton
CA 85 Mukund R Yi Apex College Prep
CA 85 Medha G Kovvuri Chaboya Middle School
CA 85 Hay Yoon L Choi Choi�s Math Tutoring
CA 85 Nathan B Margolis Engaging Math Circles
CA 85 Pramit B Bati Individual
CA 85 Aarav L Loganathan Individual
CA 85 Aadhya C Neergunda Venkatesh Individual
CA 85 Isabella G Vilensky Individual
CA 85 Anup B Pan MathSeed
CA 85 Arjun B Pan MathSeed
CA 85 Maven C Pan MathSeed
CA 85 Joselyn M Pan MathSeed
CA 85 Bradley H Luna Mirman School
CA 85 Jai D Dubey Random Math
CA 85 Rojeen B Hovsepyan RSM Bay Area
CA 85 Paarth B Hovsepyan RSM Bay Area
CA 85 Colin C Hovsepyan RSM Bay Area
CA 85 Eric C Hovsepyan RSM Bay Area
CA 85 Nicolas H Hovsepyan RSM Bay Area
CA 85 Lisa Anna J Hovsepyan RSM Bay Area
CA 85 Ishita K Hovsepyan RSM Bay Area
CA 85 Mason L Hovsepyan RSM Bay Area
CA 85 Aiden L Hovsepyan RSM Bay Area
CA 85 Nysa M Hovsepyan RSM Bay Area
CA 85 Ashwika N Hovsepyan RSM Bay Area
CA 85 Oscar P Hovsepyan RSM Bay Area
CA 85 Quoc Anh P Hovsepyan RSM Bay Area
CA 85 Vishnu P Hovsepyan RSM Bay Area
CA 85 Naga Sahasra S Hovsepyan RSM Bay Area
CA 85 Debansh S Hovsepyan RSM Bay Area
CA 85 Thomas X Keller Sierra Canyon School
CA 85 Xuanrun G Desai Stratford Middle School Pleasanton
CA 85 Jiyul K Chung Stratford Middle School San Jose
CA 85 Aaron O Spiegel Tessellations School
CA 85 Thomas B Clapp Thurgood Marshall Middle School
CA 85 Enzo E Mills Town School for Boys
CA 85 Cheryl W cheng Youth Development Resource Center
CA 85 Angelo Z cheng Youth Development Resource Center
CA 80 Nicholas W Serkek AlphaStar Academy
CA 80 Syd S Irias AoPS Pleasanton
CA 80 Krish S Kovvuri Chaboya Middle School
CA 80 Viviana C Wong Cool Math
CA 80 Ryan X Wong Cool Math
CA 80 Maya S Margolis Engaging Math Circles
CA 80 Sanaathan G Nagaraja Individual
CA 80 Aarna P Patil Individual
CA 80 Philip S Solomatnikova Individual
CA 80 Sarthak T Tyagi Individual
CA 80 Arit C Pan MathSeed
CA 80 Ryan L Pan MathSeed
CA 80 Sophia L Pan MathSeed
CA 80 Erin T Pan MathSeed
CA 80 Asher L Luna Mirman School
CA 80 Arjun S Dubey Random Math
CA 80 Sukshsit J Hovsepyan RSM Bay Area
CA 80 Sanjana K Hovsepyan RSM Bay Area
CA 80 Sitansh K Hovsepyan RSM Bay Area
CA 80 Nila M Hovsepyan RSM Bay Area
CA 80 Rishikesh V Hovsepyan RSM Bay Area
CA 80 Janelle W Hovsepyan RSM Bay Area
CA 80 Ainysh K Voronel RSM South Orange County
CA 80 Ellie M Voronel RSM South Orange County
CA 80 Tyler C Desai Stratford Middle School Pleasanton
CA 80 Ryan C Chung Stratford Middle School San Jose
CA 80 Haoyuan L Chaturvedi The Quarry Lane School
CA 80 Rohan B Clapp Thurgood Marshall Middle School
CA 80 Edward L cheng Youth Development Resource Center
CA 80 Joey L cheng Youth Development Resource Center
CA 80 Aaron W cheng Youth Development Resource Center
CA 80 Jeffery W cheng Youth Development Resource Center
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National Honor Roll: CO
Place State Score Student Name Team Leader School
CO 90 Wyatt S Vargo Deer Creek Middle School
CO 85 Matilda H Case Denver Green School Northfield
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National Honor Roll: CT
Place State Score Student Name Team Leader School
CT 100 Pratap rao S Schwaller RSM Stamford
CT 90 Aiden S Schwaller RSM Stamford
CT 85 Benjamin M Schwaller RSM Stamford
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National Honor Roll: FL
Place State Score Student Name Team Leader School
FL 100 Nikhil K Akyalcin Orlando Science Schools
FL 100 Ivy C Merrick Ransom Everglades
FL 100 Student3683 Sherwood The Weiss School
FL 95 Aidan S Colby Community School of Naples
FL 95 Evan C Akyalcin Orlando Science Schools
FL 95 Michael L Akyalcin Orlando Science Schools
FL 95 Rishik M Akyalcin Orlando Science Schools
FL 95 Parnika P Akyalcin Orlando Science Schools
FL 90 Nikhil D Akyalcin Orlando Science Schools
FL 85 Ethan S Colby Community School of Naples
FL 85 Avery W Lacey Individual
FL 85 Sebastian B Akyalcin Orlando Science Schools
FL 85 Shivansh S Akyalcin Orlando Science Schools
FL 80 Kiran P Colby Community School of Naples
FL 80 Maximus W Wong individual
FL 80 Anay S Akyalcin Orlando Science Schools
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National Honor Roll: GA
Place State Score Student Name Team Leader School
GA 100 Jelena D Duzyol Fulton Science Academy Private School
GA 100 Abhay P Petrella Lakeside Middle School
GA 95 Vibhu K Duzyol Fulton Science Academy Private School
GA 90 Prayag K Duzyol Fulton Science Academy Private School
GA 90 Tharunika L lokeshkumar Individual
GA 90 Vikrant R Patibandla Individual
GA 85 Abhi V Petrella Lakeside Middle School
GA 80 Alexandra J Duzyol Fulton Science Academy Private School
GA 80 Nathaniel Y Duzyol Fulton Science Academy Private School
GA 80 Abhijith M Mokkapati Individual
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National Honor Roll: IL
Place State Score Student Name Team Leader School
IL 100 Rishabh R Azhagarajan Individual
IL 95 Student7853 Gassen Jeffrey C. Still Middle School
IL 95 Student7858 Gassen Jeffrey C. Still Middle School
IL 90 Darshan P aycicek Science Academy of Chicago
IL 80 Jimmy H Mosquera Cass Junior High
IL 80 Sean L Shedroff Fairview South Elementary
IL 80 Joanne J Jo Individual
IL 80 Leo G Marciniak Quest Academy
IL 80 Tania T Marciniak Quest Academy
IL 80 Tommy V Marciniak Quest Academy
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National Honor Roll: IN
Place State Score Student Name Team Leader School
IN 90 Student95358 Fischer Honey Creek Middle School
IN 90 Logan T Tormoehlen Sycamore School
IN 90 Joseph Z Tormoehlen Sycamore School
IN 85 Student95361 Fischer Honey Creek Middle School
IN 85 Dyer T Tormoehlen Sycamore School
IN 80 Angela L Tormoehlen Sycamore School
IN 80 Savannah R Tormoehlen Sycamore School
IN 80 Aarnav S Tormoehlen Sycamore School
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National Honor Roll: INTL
Place State Score Student Name Team Leader School
INTL 100 Student92162 Degolacio MTG Philippines
INTL 100 Luke C Ngan Spirit of Math School HQ
INTL 100 Richard S Ngan Spirit of Math School HQ
INTL 95 Student92032 Degolacio MTG Philippines
INTL 95 Student92067 Degolacio MTG Philippines
INTL 95 Student92174 Degolacio MTG Philippines
INTL 95 Student92204 Degolacio MTG Philippines
INTL 95 Nolan C Ngan Spirit of Math School HQ
INTL 90 Student92005 Degolacio MTG Philippines
INTL 90 Student92048 Degolacio MTG Philippines
INTL 90 Student92091 Degolacio MTG Philippines
INTL 90 Student92231 Degolacio MTG Philippines
INTL 90 Student92353 Degolacio MTG Philippines
INTL 90 Student92365 Degolacio MTG Philippines
INTL 90 Keshav G Ngan Spirit of Math School HQ
INTL 85 Ruolin W Stan-Hapenciuc Australian International School
INTL 85 Wooyeong C Green Cheongna Dalton School
INTL 85 Taejun J Green Cheongna Dalton School
INTL 85 Student92036 Degolacio MTG Philippines
INTL 85 Student92070 Degolacio MTG Philippines
INTL 85 Student92092 Degolacio MTG Philippines
INTL 85 Student92115 Degolacio MTG Philippines
INTL 85 Student92242 Degolacio MTG Philippines
INTL 85 Student92331 Degolacio MTG Philippines
INTL 85 William M Ngan Spirit of Math School HQ
INTL 85 Berton Y Ngan Spirit of Math School HQ
INTL 80 Youzheng B Stan-Hapenciuc Australian International School
INTL 80 Xiatong T Stan-Hapenciuc Australian International School
INTL 80 Soyool B Lessing Bonn International School
INTL 80 Junhwa L Green Cheongna Dalton School
INTL 80 Student92047 Degolacio MTG Philippines
INTL 80 Student92050 Degolacio MTG Philippines
INTL 80 Student92059 Degolacio MTG Philippines
INTL 80 Student92120 Degolacio MTG Philippines
INTL 80 Student92163 Degolacio MTG Philippines
INTL 80 Student92205 Degolacio MTG Philippines
INTL 80 Student92274 Degolacio MTG Philippines
INTL 80 Student92342 Degolacio MTG Philippines
INTL 80 Student92361 Degolacio MTG Philippines
INTL 80 Deborah B VATAMANU Toronto Mathematics Academy
INTL 80 Andrei S VATAMANU Toronto Mathematics Academy
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National Honor Roll: KS
Place State Score Student Name Team Leader School
KS 80 Student79741 Wilcox Washburn Rural Middle School
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National Honor Roll: LA
Place State Score Student Name Team Leader School
LA 95 Samuel L Morthland Glasgow Middle School
LA 85 Shawn L Morthland Glasgow Middle School
LA 85 Vincent L Morthland Glasgow Middle School
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National Honor Roll: MA
Place State Score Student Name Team Leader School
MA 100 Student5120 Linatser RSM Lexington
MA 95 Micah H Schefen Acera School
MA 95 Rebecca M Matthews Individual
MA 95 Student5104 Linatser RSM Lexington
MA 95 Student5114 Linatser RSM Lexington
MA 95 Raesha C Eggli The Sage School
MA 90 WILLIAM H Wang Individual
MA 90 Student5106 Linatser RSM Lexington
MA 85 Ella W Schefen Acera School
MA 85 Yuvan S Balasundaram Individual
MA 85 Clara Z Maslova Studio of Engaging Math
MA 85 Charles A Eggli The Sage School
MA 85 Charles I Eggli The Sage School
MA 80 Isaac U Schefen Acera School
MA 80 Kushagra K Singh Individual
MA 80 Atharv S SINGH Individual
MA 80 Student5116 Linatser RSM Lexington
MA 80 Student5119 Linatser RSM Lexington
MA 80 Student8602 Grigoryan Star Academy Boston
MA 80 Boris P Grigoryan Star Academy Boston
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National Honor Roll: MI
Place State Score Student Name Team Leader School
MI 95 Adaure A Wood Emerson School
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National Honor Roll: NC
Place State Score Student Name Team Leader School
NC 85 Arnav D Ghosh Triangle Math and Science Academy
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National Honor Roll: NJ
Place State Score Student Name Team Leader School
NJ 85 Student88054 Giardino William Davies MIddle School
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National Honor Roll: NV
Place State Score Student Name Team Leader School
NV 85 Daniel D Marul Coral Academy of Science Sandy Las Vegas
NV 85 Shree P Marul Coral Academy of Science Sandy Las Vegas
NV 85 Kiaan S Marul Coral Academy of Science Sandy Las Vegas
NV 85 Student8255 Marul Coral Academy of Science Sandy Las Vegas
NV 80 Ezekiel H Marul Coral Academy of Science Sandy Las Vegas
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National Honor Roll: NY
Place State Score Student Name Team Leader School
NY 100 Cassie W Hauser Q300 - The 30th Avenue School
NY 100 Alan J Bruno Herricks Middle School
NY 100 Gavin J Bruno Herricks Middle School
NY 95 Geoffrey Y Zhang AI Future δ������ѧϰ����
NY 95 Emily Cheng G Chen iLearning
NY 95 Sabin S Terlova RSM New York
NY 95 Finn R Blake Goss Special Music School
NY 90 Hazel W Hauser Q300 - The 30th Avenue School
NY 90 Vivasvan Z Hauser Q300 - The 30th Avenue School
NY 90 Derek H Sancho BASIS Independent Schools
NY 85 Stephanie D Hauser Q300 - The 30th Avenue School
NY 85 Ty L Hauser Q300 - The 30th Avenue School
NY 85 Dylan C Reyes Basis Independent Brooklyn Upper
NY 85 Alec L Sancho BASIS Independent Schools
NY 85 Davey M Sancho BASIS Independent Schools
NY 85 Brian C Bruno Herricks Middle School
NY 80 Jaiden L Hauser Q300 - The 30th Avenue School
NY 80 Anthony Z Zhang AI Future δ������ѧϰ����
NY 80 William F Sancho BASIS Independent Schools
NY 80 Sai S Pugliese Edward Bleeker 185
NY 80 Baijie L Terlova RSM New York
NY 80 Trent P Terlova RSM New York
NY 80 Lucas Q Terlova RSM New York
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National Honor Roll: OH
Place State Score Student Name Team Leader School
OH 95 Ethan H Hogan Individual
OH 95 William K Korsmo Individual
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National Honor Roll: OK
Place State Score Student Name Team Leader School
OK 85 Seiya Y Nykol Heritage Hall School
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National Honor Roll: TN
Place State Score Student Name Team Leader School
TN 90 Devi W Jain Individual
TN 90 Alayna B Bomar Inman Middle School
TN 80 Caleb S Story Cedar Springs Homeschool Group
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National Honor Roll: TX
Place State Score Student Name Team Leader School
TX 100 Student77975 Popel Russian School of Mathematics
TX 95 Student77985 Popel Russian School of Mathematics
TX 90 Student87130 Straach Individual
TX 90 Dhruv H Rajan Math Rangers
TX 85 Student77982 Popel Russian School of Mathematics
TX 85 Student77978 Popel Russian School of Mathematics
TX 85 Lucas D Quintero The Honor Roll School
TX 80 Student77993 Popel Russian School of Mathematics
TX 80 Student77987 Popel Russian School of Mathematics
TX 80 Ishi B Quintero The Honor Roll School
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National Honor Roll: VA
Place State Score Student Name Team Leader School
VA 100 CAMERON M Morgan Individual
VA 100 Ambika K Mahajan Math Competition Coaching
VA 95 Sana A Gupta Math Coaching by Narender Gupta
VA 95 Amol P Mahajan Math Competition Coaching
VA 95 Frederick Q Palamarchuk Russian School of Mathematics - Herndon
VA 90 Muskaan A Gupta Math Coaching by Narender Gupta
VA 90 Nishank S Gupta Math Coaching by Narender Gupta
VA 90 Sam K Mahajan Math Competition Coaching
VA 85 Svanik Hansh K Gupta Math Coaching by Narender Gupta
VA 85 Shashwath M Gupta Math Coaching by Narender Gupta
VA 80 Aarush B Kondapalli Individual
VA 80 Shivam D Mahajan Math Competition Coaching
VA 80 Param S Mahajan Math Competition Coaching
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National Honor Roll: WA
Place State Score Student Name Team Leader School
WA 100 Natasa V Vukosavljevic Individual
WA 100 Heejae O Song Lincoln Middle School
WA 90 aarin f bhargava Individual
WA 85 Dylan P Pham Individual
WA 85 Grayson A Song Lincoln Middle School
WA 85 Aryan R Learning Radiance Learning
WA 80 Ananya G Gupta Individual
WA 80 Student83760 Hunter Individual
WA 80 Sowjanyaa V Song Lincoln Middle School
WA 80 Neetika S Milcic Northstar Middle School
WA 80 Kirill I EREMENKO Triz Island LLC
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National Honor Roll: WY
Place State Score Student Name Team Leader School
WY 80 Beckham J Jacobs Individual
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