Noetic Learning Math Contest Fall 2021

Public Private Afterschool Institution Homeschool Association Individual

Grade 7 National Honor Roll
Go To States: [AA] [AE] [AP] [AL] [AK] [AS] [AZ] [AR] [CA] [CO] [CT] [DE] [DC] [FM] [FL] [GA] [GU] [HI] [ID] [IL] [IN] [IA] [INTL] [KS] [KY] [LA] [ME] [MD] [MH] [MA] [MI] [MN] [MS] [MO] [MT] [NE] [NV] [NH] [NJ] [NM] [NY] [NC] [ND] [MP] [OH] [OK] [OR] [PW] [PA] [PR] [RI] [SC] [SD] [TN] [TX] [UT] [VT] [VI] [VA] [WA] [WV] [WI] [WY] []
National Honor Roll: AL
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
AL 95 Advitiya K kong Birmingham Math Academy
AL 95 Greeshma V kong Birmingham Math Academy
AL 95 Student21560 Goldston Discovery Middle School
AL 95 Student21312 Goldston Discovery Middle School
AL 90 Akhil B kong Birmingham Math Academy
AL 90 Student21562 Goldston Discovery Middle School
AL 85 Adarsh V kong Birmingham Math Academy
AL 85 Student21559 Goldston Discovery Middle School
AL 80 Darwin L kong Birmingham Math Academy
AL 80 Dev P kong Birmingham Math Academy
AL 80 Shreya T kong Birmingham Math Academy
AL 80 Edison Y Goldston Discovery Middle School
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National Honor Roll: AZ
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
AZ 95 Dilip M guncu Paragon Science Academy
AZ 80 San Tan 0 Tischer San Tan Charter School
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National Honor Roll: AR
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
AR 80 Sami S Tuna Individual
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National Honor Roll: CA
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
CA 100 Shamik K Udun AlphaStar Academy
CA 100 Seomgeun S Udun AlphaStar Academy
CA 100 Yutika P Pathak Individual
CA 100 Ishaan G chinnam Lawson Middle School
CA 100 Jennifer T Pan MathSeed
CA 100 Aliaksey A Yanchyk Neolemma
CA 100 Atticus M Keller Sierra Canyon School
CA 95 Virat V Udun AlphaStar Academy
CA 95 Olin X Yi Apex College Prep
CA 95 Daniil Y Margolis Engaging Math Circles
CA 95 Chris K Knoedler Individual
CA 95 Param R Raval Individual
CA 95 Souhardyo S Saha Individual
CA 95 Aditya M Kulkarni Koolmath Academy
CA 95 Shaurya J chinnam Lawson Middle School
CA 95 Eshaan M Pan MathSeed
CA 95 Harrison F Luna Mirman School
CA 95 Alexander G Luna Mirman School
CA 95 Ashmit A Dubey Random Math
CA 95 Anshika G Dubey Random Math
CA 95 Riya M Dubey Random Math
CA 95 Nitin R Dubey Random Math
CA 95 Austin Y Chung Stratford Middle School San Jose
CA 95 Seah S Irias The Quarry Lane School
CA 90 David T Udun AlphaStar Academy
CA 90 Erica S Choi Choi?s Math Tutoring
CA 90 Audrey C Wong Cool Math
CA 90 Aniket M Mangalampalli Individual
CA 90 Sahil D Pan MathSeed
CA 90 Advika K Pan MathSeed
CA 90 Zenan L Pan MathSeed
CA 90 Myles Z Pan MathSeed
CA 90 Thomas M Keller Sierra Canyon School
CA 85 Lucas K Udun AlphaStar Academy
CA 85 Theenash S Udun AlphaStar Academy
CA 85 Ethan H Wong Cool Math
CA 85 Archer T Wong Cool Math
CA 85 Allen X Wong Cool Math
CA 85 Srisai A Padaki Hyde Middle School
CA 85 Mrinal A Kulkarni Koolmath Academy
CA 85 Haramrit B Bal Mathletes Institution
CA 85 Connor K Pan MathSeed
CA 85 Priscila K Pan MathSeed
CA 85 Jason L Pan MathSeed
CA 85 Hudson P Luna Mirman School
CA 85 Akshaya G Yanchyk Neolemma
CA 85 Anish G Yanchyk Neolemma
CA 85 Alex Y Chung Stratford Middle School San Jose
CA 85 Avni S Irias The Quarry Lane School
CA 80 Anirudh R Yi Apex College Prep
CA 80 Beom Seo C Choi Choi?s Math Tutoring
CA 80 Jiya P Bhatia Individual
CA 80 Ryan P parmar Individuals
CA 80 Aryan D Kulkarni Koolmath Academy
CA 80 aashrith c chinnam Lawson Middle School
CA 80 Myren F Pan MathSeed
CA 80 Rishventh R Pan MathSeed
CA 80 Zachary L Luna Mirman School
CA 80 Ahaan B Yanchyk Neolemma
CA 80 Wynn H Dubey Random Math
CA 80 Varun K Dubey Random Math
CA 80 Yahan Z Xue Stratford Middle School - Palo Alto
CA 80 Jesse W Irias The Quarry Lane School
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National Honor Roll: CO
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
CO 80 Rayan D Nair Cherry Creek Academy
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National Honor Roll: FL
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
FL 100 Rashed A Karcher Orlando Science Middle School
FL 100 Abdus-Samad S Karcher Orlando Science Middle School
FL 95 Gabriel C Karcher Orlando Science Middle School
FL 90 Joshie K Merrick Ransom Everglades
FL 85 Tristan H Karcher Orlando Science Middle School
FL 80 Candice Q Karcher Orlando Science Middle School
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National Honor Roll: GA
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
GA 100 Larry K Graiser South Forsyth Middle School
GA 95 Varun G Duzyol Fulton Science Academy Private School
GA 95 Annabel R Duzyol Fulton Science Academy Private School
GA 90 Alan Z Duzyol Fulton Science Academy Private School
GA 85 Adhrit Y Graiser South Forsyth Middle School
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National Honor Roll: IL
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
IL 90 Student21601 Wollak Wredling Middle School
IL 80 KC E Curry Fairview South Elementary
IL 80 Student28275 Gassen Jeffrey C. Still Middle School
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National Honor Roll: IN
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
IN 95 Student18339 Fischer Honey Creek Middle School
IN 95 Braedan C Nisen Northridge Middle School
IN 90 Akhil J Tormoehlen Sycamore School
IN 90 Nathan Z Tormoehlen Sycamore School
IN 85 Soren H Kerr St. Richards Episcopal School
IN 85 Dominic G Tormoehlen Sycamore School
IN 85 Sonali G Tormoehlen Sycamore School
IN 85 Sophie S Tormoehlen Sycamore School
IN 80 Drew C Nisen Northridge Middle School
IN 80 Navya S Tormoehlen Sycamore School
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National Honor Roll: INTL
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
INTL 95 Lexander Cole C Degolacio MTG Philippines
INTL 95 Jerard Ponz L Degolacio MTG Philippines
INTL 95 Chael Matthew S Degolacio MTG Philippines
INTL 90 Student5541 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 90 Taehyoung K Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 90 Jan Francis T Degolacio MTG Philippines
INTL 85 Hajun K Fadhillah Raha International School
INTL 80 Soyun L Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 80 Student5546 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 80 Rhai Herricx S Degolacio MTG Philippines
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National Honor Roll: KS
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
KS 90 Davian C Copeland Individual
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National Honor Roll: LA
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
LA 85 Rishabh G Morthland Glasgow Middle School
LA 80 Daniel K Morthland Glasgow Middle School
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National Honor Roll: ME
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
ME 80 Carson V Ackley Auburn Middle School
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National Honor Roll: MD
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
MD 95 Charles D Piek Oklahoma Road Middle School
MD 90 Raymond R Manchester Takoma Park Middle School
MD 85 Enya M Manchester Takoma Park Middle School
MD 80 Andrew D Manchester Takoma Park Middle School
MD 80 Eileen Z Manchester Takoma Park Middle School
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National Honor Roll: MA
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
MA 100 Nikhil B Byrapuram Individual
MA 95 Ibrahim A Ahmad Individual
MA 90 Prime 1 Seidell Acera School
MA 90 Shayan H Serebrennikov MathAltitude School of Mathematics
MA 90 Mason C Tolisano The Sage School
MA 90 Charlie G Tolisano The Sage School
MA 90 Sebastian J Tolisano The Sage School
MA 85 Ryan W Tolisano The Sage School
MA 80 Ishaan P Serebrennikov MathAltitude School of Mathematics
MA 80 Felix H Tolisano The Sage School
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National Honor Roll: NE
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
NE 85 Kelvin W Spady Westside Community Schools
NE 80 Sanjeev V Ranganathan Individual
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National Honor Roll: NV
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
NV 100 Student27276 Marul Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas
NV 90 Student27245 Marul Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas
NV 90 Student23078 Marul Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas
NV 80 Ty T Marul Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas
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National Honor Roll: NJ
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
NJ 100 Aaron B Villano Thomas Jefferson Middle School
NJ 100 Adalyn S Cooper Warren Middle School
NJ 90 Jon L Lew Demarest Middle School
NJ 90 Christopher K Lew Individual
NJ 85 Rachel Jiwoo K Kim Individual
NJ 85 Sourish R Villano Thomas Jefferson Middle School
NJ 85 Erich D Cooper Warren Middle School
NJ 80 Jun F Lew Demarest Middle School
NJ 80 Ryan L Cooper Warren Middle School
NJ 80 Kai Y Cooper Warren Middle School
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National Honor Roll: NY
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
NY 100 Claire E Eastlund Eastlund Homeschool
NY 100 Paul E Eastlund Eastlund Homeschool
NY 95 Ezra G Gordon Individual
NY 90 Student16153 Amigud Individual
NY 85 Student14010 Ramasamy Individual
NY 85 Nahum Y Ferrara Plainview-Old Bethpage Middle School
NY 80 Justin L Bruno Herricks Middle School
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National Honor Roll: OH
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
OH 80 Ethan C LoGalbo Beachwood Middle School
OH 80 Daniel C LoGalbo Beachwood Middle School
OH 80 Student17098 LoGalbo Beachwood Middle School
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National Honor Roll: OK
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
OK 95 Ethan C Nykol Heritage Hall School
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National Honor Roll: RI
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
RI 95 Julian S van de Walle Individual
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National Honor Roll: TX
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
TX 100 Avishai R Ramachandran Individual
TX 95 Dylan Z Zhou Houston Huaxia Northwest Campus
TX 95 Judy S Hou Individual
TX 90 Jaxon R Radcliff Individual
TX 90 Olivia Z Zawada LIGHT Katy Coop
TX 85 Nora L Suzawa Individual
TX 85 Anirudh G Quintero The Honor Roll School
TX 80 Dhruv M Mikeska Harmony of Excellence
TX 80 Nia S Quintero The Honor Roll School
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National Honor Roll: VA
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
VA 100 Arnav M Mahajan Amit Mahajan_Math Warriors
VA 95 Ryan C Huang Alpha STEM for the Gifted
VA 95 Nathan L Huang Alpha STEM for the Gifted
VA 95 Raman B Mahajan Amit Mahajan_Math Warriors
VA 95 Radhika B Mahajan Amit Mahajan_Math Warriors
VA 95 Anya R Mahajan Amit Mahajan_Math Warriors
VA 95 Sam R Mahajan Amit Mahajan_Math Warriors
VA 95 Megha S Mahajan Amit Mahajan_Math Warriors
VA 90 Neil J Mahajan Amit Mahajan_Math Warriors
VA 90 Ethan C Zhou Individual
VA 90 Shveta S Palamarchuk Russian School of Mathematics - Herndon
VA 85 Owen L Huang Alpha STEM for the Gifted
VA 85 Avishi A Chung River Bend Middle School
VA 85 Atiksh G Palamarchuk Russian School of Mathematics - Herndon
VA 80 Jack L Huang Alpha STEM for the Gifted
VA 80 Jayesh Reddy M Mahajan Amit Mahajan_Math Warriors
VA 80 Polina A Palamarchuk Russian School of Mathematics - Herndon
VA 80 Ansh G Palamarchuk Russian School of Mathematics - Herndon
VA 80 Serafima M Palamarchuk Russian School of Mathematics - Herndon
VA 80 Abhiraj M Palamarchuk Russian School of Mathematics - Herndon
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National Honor Roll: WA
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
WA 95 Sohini M Mukherjee Individual
WA 95 Anshul R Shantha Individual
WA 90 Donovan T Pavicevic Archimedes
WA 90 Shashank N santhanam Individual
WA 85 Miguel G Levine Bainbridge Independent
WA 85 Ryan H Munson Lincoln Middle School
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National Honor Roll: WI
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
WI 85 Dru D Fuhrmann Marshall Middle School
WI 80 Jack K Miller Oregon School
WI 80 Elise G Kittson Richmond
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National Honor Roll: WY
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
WY 95 Tianran C Wu Individual
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