Noetic Learning Math Contest Fall 2020

Public Private Afterschool Institution Homeschool Association Individual

Grade 7 National Honor Roll
Go To States: [AA] [AE] [AP] [AL] [AK] [AS] [AZ] [AR] [CA] [CO] [CT] [DE] [DC] [FM] [FL] [GA] [GU] [HI] [ID] [IL] [IN] [IA] [INTL] [KS] [KY] [LA] [ME] [MD] [MH] [MA] [MI] [MN] [MS] [MO] [MT] [NE] [NV] [NH] [NJ] [NM] [NY] [NC] [ND] [MP] [OH] [OK] [OR] [PW] [PA] [PR] [RI] [SC] [SD] [TN] [TX] [UT] [VT] [VI] [VA] [WA] [WV] [WI] [WY] []
National Honor Roll: AL
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
AL 95 Nishanth D kong Birmingham Math Academy
AL 95 Aditya S kong Birmingham Math Academy
AL 95 Arnav M Goldston Discovery Middle School
AL 85 Sragvi G kong Birmingham Math Academy
AL 85 Sara R kong Birmingham Math Academy
AL 85 Ryaan s kong Birmingham Math Academy
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National Honor Roll: AZ
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
AZ 85 Anika K Khera Individual
AZ 85 San Tan 1 Tischer San Tan Charter School
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National Honor Roll: CA
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
CA 100 Kevin L Mehmet AlphaStar Academy
CA 100 George B Pan MathSeed
CA 100 Ken C Pan MathSeed
CA 100 Lisa J Pan MathSeed
CA 100 Anish M Pan MathSeed
CA 100 Lilian R Pan MathSeed
CA 100 Plato W Pan MathSeed
CA 100 Ryan M Mohler Newport Coast Elementary - Individual
CA 95 Christine N Zinkova Alex Math Club
CA 95 Ryka C Mehmet AlphaStar Academy
CA 95 Rishi G Gupta basis independent Fremont (Upper)
CA 95 Chenye X Wong Cool Math
CA 95 Tanush A Agrawal individual
CA 95 Aidan F Free Individual
CA 95 Tom B Pan MathSeed
CA 95 Nirvik K Dubey Random Math
CA 95 Harsha K Dubey Random Math
CA 95 Ishika S Dubey Random Math
CA 90 Jonathan D Mehmet AlphaStar Academy
CA 90 Qi H Mehmet AlphaStar Academy
CA 90 Jeffrey L Mehmet AlphaStar Academy
CA 90 Ryan L Pan MathSeed
CA 90 Shimon S Luna Mirman School
CA 90 Jeremy S Chung Stratford Middle School San Jose
CA 85 Mia L Mehmet AlphaStar Academy
CA 85 Kevin Z Mehmet AlphaStar Academy
CA 85 Lucas B Allen Black Pine Circle School
CA 85 Anay P Margolis Engaging Math Circles
CA 85 Warren L Lam Individual
CA 85 Xavier R Rowe Individual
CA 85 Student75378 Lee LearningEdge Education Center
CA 85 Annabel M Luna Mirman School
CA 85 Darren Y Luna Mirman School
CA 85 Vishresh D Dubey Random Math
CA 85 Jack J Dubey Random Math
CA 85 Pragya R Dubey Random Math
CA 85 Samarth S Dubey Random Math
CA 85 Knightley G Chung Stratford Middle School San Jose
CA 85 Eesha G Irias The Quarry Lane School
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National Honor Roll: FL
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
FL 95 Ismail A Pantone Orlando Science Middle/High
FL 95 Advay B Lown Seminole Science Charter
FL 95 Maxim M Lown Seminole Science Charter
FL 90 Monish S Pantone Orlando Science Middle/High
FL 85 Arav S Pantone Orlando Science Middle/High
FL 85 Student86084 Onorati Ransom Everglades Middle School
FL 85 William H Lown Seminole Science Charter
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National Honor Roll: GA
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
GA 95 Arhan B Graiser South Forsyth Middle School
GA 90 Samitha K Graiser South Forsyth Middle School
GA 90 Caden Q Graiser South Forsyth Middle School
GA 90 Aditya R Graiser South Forsyth Middle School
GA 90 Peyton F Frank The Davis Academy
GA 85 Adityasia K Graiser South Forsyth Middle School
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National Honor Roll: IN
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
IN 95 Ethan H Fischer Honey Creek Middle School
IN 95 Jackson G Nisen Northridge Middle School
IN 95 Audrey A Tormoehlen Sycamore School
IN 95 Alex C Tormoehlen Sycamore School
IN 95 Arnay G Tormoehlen Sycamore School
IN 95 Kaitlyn P Tormoehlen Sycamore School
IN 90 Baylor M Nisen Northridge Middle School
IN 90 Justin P Tormoehlen Sycamore School
IN 85 Jeffrey C Fischer Honey Creek Middle School
IN 85 Caden R Nisen Northridge Middle School
IN 85 Josiah S Nisen Northridge Middle School
IN 85 John S Nisen Northridge Middle School
IN 85 Vidhatri I Tormoehlen Sycamore School
IN 85 Sophie L Tormoehlen Sycamore School
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National Honor Roll: INTL
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
INTL 100 Giorgio Filippo S Stan Hapenciuc International School of Bucharest
INTL 85 Sanghyuk K Kim Cheongna Dalton School
INTL 85 Ahmed A Mustchin Raha International School
INTL 85 Yahya H Mustchin Raha International School
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National Honor Roll: KY
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
KY 90 Julian S sanders Individual
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National Honor Roll: ME
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
ME 85 Student75957 Brackett Winslow Junior High School
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National Honor Roll: MA
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
MA 95 Benjamin T Clifton The Sage School
MA 85 Thomas N Clifton The Sage School
MA 85 Kevin W Clifton The Sage School
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National Honor Roll: MI
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
MI 100 Rishi C Shah Math Plus
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National Honor Roll: NV
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
NV 90 Student89252 Erdogan RootSTEM Academy
NV 90 Student89251 Erdogan RootSTEM Academy
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National Honor Roll: NJ
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
NJ 95 Juna L Lew Demarest Middle School
NJ 95 Justin S Lew Demarest Middle School
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National Honor Roll: NY
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
NY 95 Eden T Reidy The Anderson School PS 334
NY 90 Paul E Eastlund Eastlund Homeschool
NY 90 Aarav S Reidy The Anderson School PS 334
NY 85 Claire E Eastlund Eastlund Homeschool
NY 85 Joshua M Reidy The Anderson School PS 334
NY 85 Madhavendra T Reidy The Anderson School PS 334
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National Honor Roll: OH
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
OH 95 Karina K Katz Beachwood Middle School
OH 95 Junbo W Katz Beachwood Middle School
OH 90 Kyungbeen R Katz Beachwood Middle School
OH 90 Leo W Katz Beachwood Middle School
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National Honor Roll: TX
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
TX 95 Akshay P Roberts Forestwood Middle School
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National Honor Roll: VA
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
VA 100 Lulu H Huang Alpha STEM for the Gifted
VA 100 Rushil K Palamarchuk Russian School of Mathematics - Reston
VA 100 Aryan R Palamarchuk Russian School of Mathematics - Reston
VA 95 Xindi Y Huang Alpha STEM for the Gifted
VA 95 Ruby D Diao Nova Math&Stat
VA 95 Ryan C Chung River Bend Middle School
VA 95 Ekaterina O Palamarchuk Russian School of Mathematics - Reston
VA 90 Vivian S Huang Alpha STEM for the Gifted
VA 90 Xavier L Lewandowski Individual
VA 90 Arjun G GUPTA Math Coaching by Narender Gupta
VA 90 Arnav G GUPTA Math Coaching by Narender Gupta
VA 90 Shaurya J GUPTA Math Coaching by Narender Gupta
VA 90 Srivatsa V GUPTA Math Coaching by Narender Gupta
VA 85 Vaibhava Sai C GUPTA Math Coaching by Narender Gupta
VA 85 Anirudh M GUPTA Math Coaching by Narender Gupta
VA 85 Kylin W Diao Nova Math&Stat
VA 85 Meera K Zhongyi Russian School of Mathematics
VA 85 Ayush T Palamarchuk Russian School of Mathematics - Reston
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National Honor Roll: WA
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
WA 100 Asher W Munson Lincoln Middle School
WA 95 Riddhima G Pavicevic Archimedes
WA 95 Sahil G Munson Lincoln Middle School
WA 90 Alexander P Pavicevic Archimedes
WA 90 Abby W Munson Lincoln Middle School
WA 85 Jack C Munson Lincoln Middle School
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National Honor Roll: WI
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
WI 85 Kate T Miller Oregon School
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