Noetic Learning Math Contest Fall 2020

Public Private Afterschool Institution Homeschool Association Individual

Grade 6 National Honor Roll
Go To States: [AA] [AE] [AP] [AL] [AK] [AS] [AZ] [AR] [CA] [CO] [CT] [DE] [DC] [FM] [FL] [GA] [GU] [HI] [ID] [IL] [IN] [IA] [INTL] [KS] [KY] [LA] [ME] [MD] [MH] [MA] [MI] [MN] [MS] [MO] [MT] [NE] [NV] [NH] [NJ] [NM] [NY] [NC] [ND] [MP] [OH] [OK] [OR] [PW] [PA] [PR] [RI] [SC] [SD] [TN] [TX] [UT] [VT] [VI] [VA] [WA] [WV] [WI] [WY] []
National Honor Roll: AL
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
AL 100 Edison Y Goldston Discovery Middle School
AL 95 Greeshma V kong Birmingham Math Academy
AL 85 Abigail C Goldston Discovery Middle School
AL 80 Advitiya K kong Birmingham Math Academy
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National Honor Roll: CA
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
CA 100 Hengrui L Mehmet AlphaStar Academy
CA 100 Olin X Yi Apex College Prep
CA 100 Daniil Y Margolis Engaging Math Circles
CA 100 Riya M Mehrotra Individual
CA 100 Nicole C Pan MathSeed
CA 100 Cindy F Pan MathSeed
CA 100 Henry J Pan MathSeed
CA 100 Kate N Pan MathSeed
CA 100 Steven N Pan MathSeed
CA 100 Jennifer T Pan MathSeed
CA 100 Dylan L Fieberg Sage Canyon Elementary School
CA 95 Julia S Beebe Bullis Charter School
CA 95 Ethan H Wong Cool Math
CA 95 Chris K Knoedler Individual
CA 95 Dylan A Jain MSIA Learning
CA 95 David L Jariwala Ocean Air Elementary School
CA 95 Austin Y Chung Stratford Middle School San Jose
CA 95 Yufei W Hetrick Sycamore Ridge
CA 90 Tarun R Mehmet AlphaStar Academy
CA 90 Jackson K DeTorre-Ozeki Borel Middle School
CA 90 Student 2 Beebe Bullis Charter School
CA 90 Justin C Beebe Bullis Charter School
CA 90 Daniel P Beebe Bullis Charter School
CA 90 Mason T Wong Cool Math
CA 90 Student69893 Levy Gideon Hausner Jewish Day School
CA 90 Mira J Feng individual
CA 90 Student70547 Iyer Individual
CA 90 Yutika P Pathak Individual
CA 90 Mrinal A Kulkarni Koolmath Academy
CA 90 Aditya M Kulkarni Koolmath Academy
CA 90 Shaurya j chinnam Lawson Middle School
CA 90 Jason L Pan MathSeed
CA 90 Myles Z Pan MathSeed
CA 90 Student82657 Linder Montecito Union School
CA 90 Varun M Jariwala Ocean Air Elementary School
CA 90 Claire L Zang Ocean Air School
CA 90 Ashmit A Dubey Random Math
CA 90 Advait C Hetrick Sycamore Ridge
CA 85 Student 3 Beebe Bullis Charter School
CA 85 Dean S Wong Cool Math
CA 85 Allen X Wong Cool Math
CA 85 Student69883 Levy Gideon Hausner Jewish Day School
CA 85 Sruthi C Venkatesan Individual
CA 85 Myren F Pan MathSeed
CA 85 Emily Z Pan MathSeed
CA 85 Alexander G Luna Mirman School
CA 85 Darya G Luna Mirman School
CA 85 Morgan M Luna Mirman School
CA 85 Siddh J Jariwala Ocean Air Elementary School
CA 85 Varun K Dubey Random Math
CA 85 Ishaan M Dubey Random Math
CA 85 Theenash S Dubey Random Math
CA 85 Nitin V Dubey Random Math
CA 85 Jiya P Kiran Safari Kid
CA 85 Ayan P Fieberg Sage Canyon Elementary School
CA 85 Claire Z Fieberg Sage Canyon Elementary School
CA 85 Isabella Z Fieberg Sage Canyon Elementary School
CA 85 Zara Z Fieberg Sage Canyon Elementary School
CA 85 Baron L Hetrick Sycamore Ridge
CA 85 Justin W Hetrick Sycamore Ridge
CA 80 Stephanie L Yi Apex College Prep
CA 80 Jake S Yi Apex College Prep
CA 80 Student 1 Beebe Bullis Charter School
CA 80 Kevin T Beebe Bullis Charter School
CA 80 Paxton L Wong Cool Math
CA 80 Student69889 Levy Gideon Hausner Jewish Day School
CA 80 Student69894 Levy Gideon Hausner Jewish Day School
CA 80 Ryan P parmar Individuals
CA 80 Vishnu V Kulkarni Koolmath Academy
CA 80 Eshaan M Pan MathSeed
CA 80 Rohit P Pan MathSeed
CA 80 Harrison F Luna Mirman School
CA 80 Student82656 Linder Montecito Union School
CA 80 Andy S Jariwala Ocean Air Elementary School
CA 80 Dhanyatha V Jariwala Ocean Air Elementary School
CA 80 Ajay Sathish K Ganesan Rainbow Math/IKIDZ
CA 80 Jasmine C Fieberg Sage Canyon Elementary School
CA 80 Kiran N Fieberg Sage Canyon Elementary School
CA 80 Eric K Chung Stratford Middle School San Jose
CA 80 Advika N Chung Stratford Middle School San Jose
CA 80 Jake H Byfield Village School
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National Honor Roll: CT
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
CT 85 Student77743 Liu Individual
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National Honor Roll: FL
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
FL 95 Ashwin A Krishnamoorthy Individual
FL 80 Student86081 Onorati Ransom Everglades Middle School
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National Honor Roll: GA
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
GA 95 Sai Shayank M Mohanty Desana Middle
GA 80 Student89792 Jackson Jasper Middle School
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National Honor Roll: IL
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
IL 100 Grant B Katauskas Science &Arts Academy
IL 90 Celina W Katauskas Science &Arts Academy
IL 85 Kathryn E Curry Fairview South Elementary
IL 80 Arnav G Narayanan Hawthorn Middle North
IL 80 Arthur F Katauskas Science &Arts Academy
IL 80 Max W Katauskas Science &Arts Academy
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National Honor Roll: IN
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
IN 85 Student74893 Fischer Honey Creek Middle School
IN 85 Sophie S Tormoehlen Sycamore School
IN 80 Akhil J Tormoehlen Sycamore School
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National Honor Roll: IA
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
IA 80 Student78905 Reed West Elementary
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National Honor Roll: INTL
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
INTL 95 Student70746 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 95 Student70739 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 95 Student70754 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 95 Student70770 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 95 Student70750 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 90 Student70735 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 90 Student70765 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 90 Student70777 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 90 Student70767 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 90 Student70752 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 90 Student70780 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 90 Student70773 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 90 Student70769 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 90 Student70781 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 90 Student70775 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 90 Student70741 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 90 Student70759 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 90 Student70764 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 90 Student70776 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 85 Student70778 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 85 Student70743 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 85 Student70737 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 85 Student70751 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 85 Student70760 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 85 Student70762 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 85 Alexandru S Stan Hapenciuc International School of Bucharest
INTL 85 Lachlan T Mustchin Raha International School
INTL 80 Student70766 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 80 Student70744 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 80 Student70745 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 80 Student70772 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 80 Student70779 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 80 Student70758 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 80 Student70771 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 80 Student70761 Narro Colegio Ingles
INTL 80 Zifan Z Mustchin Raha International School
INTL 80 MARTIN M Shuli Turgut Ozal College
INTL 80 TROI Q Shuli Turgut Ozal College
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National Honor Roll: KS
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
KS 80 Student85570 Kuttenkuler Math Monkey
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National Honor Roll: LA
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
LA 90 Rishabh G Morthland Glasgow Middle School
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National Honor Roll: ME
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
ME 80 Student70476 Hemond Fairview Elementary
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National Honor Roll: MA
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
MA 90 Aidan A Clifton The Sage School
MA 85 Charlie G Clifton The Sage School
MA 85 Ethan L Clifton The Sage School
MA 80 Suhaas G Serebrennikov MathAltitude School of Mathematics
MA 80 Shriyanagha J Serebrennikov MathAltitude School of Mathematics
MA 80 Maria K Serebrennikov MathAltitude School of Mathematics
MA 80 Ishaan P Serebrennikov MathAltitude School of Mathematics
MA 80 Divyagni S Serebrennikov MathAltitude School of Mathematics
MA 80 Student87207 Hall Mount Alvernia Academy
MA 80 Student87218 Hall Mount Alvernia Academy
MA 80 Joseph R Clifton The Sage School
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National Honor Roll: NE
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
NE 80 Student 1 Wolfe-Koehler Bellevue Schools
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National Honor Roll: NV
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
NV 100 Student89242 Erdogan RootSTEM Academy
NV 95 Sastha R Hambleton CASLV Windmill
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National Honor Roll: NJ
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
NJ 100 Rachel Jiwoo K Kim Individual
NJ 90 Aaron B Basov Individual
NJ 90 Adalyn S Cooper Warren Middle School
NJ 85 Diptanshu H Halder Individual
NJ 80 Aaron C Hafers Cherry Hill School
NJ 80 Ryan L Cooper Warren Middle School
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National Honor Roll: NY
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
NY 95 Ananya G Gupta Stem in Action inc.
NY 95 Max L Reidy The Anderson School PS 334
NY 90 Akshay C Kapur Individual
NY 90 Advik G Gupta Stem in Action inc.
NY 90 Ansh G Gupta Stem in Action inc.
NY 90 Jane X Reidy The Anderson School PS 334
NY 85 Claire E Eastlund Eastlund Homeschool
NY 85 Paul E Eastlund Eastlund Homeschool
NY 85 Eric H Risalvato Jack Abrams STEM Magnet School
NY 85 Rishaan S Ferrara Plainview-Old Bethpage Middle School
NY 85 Aidan K Reidy The Anderson School PS 334
NY 85 Emily S Reidy The Anderson School PS 334
NY 80 Timmy T Risalvato Jack Abrams STEM Magnet School
NY 80 Richard F Reidy The Anderson School PS 334
NY 80 Jacob L Reidy The Anderson School PS 334
NY 80 Ken W Reidy The Anderson School PS 334
NY 80 Ilan Z Reidy The Anderson School PS 334
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National Honor Roll: NC
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
NC 80 Student72754 Tang Individual
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National Honor Roll: OH
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
OH 80 Daniel C Katz Beachwood Middle School
OH 80 Youyang C Katz Beachwood Middle School
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National Honor Roll: PA
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
PA 90 Ozge U Sweenie Montessori Centre Academy
PA 80 Daniel S Green Landis Run Intermediate School
PA 80 Isabella S Green Landis Run Intermediate School
PA 80 Finnian K Sweenie Montessori Centre Academy
PA 80 Darren L Sweenie Montessori Centre Academy
PA 80 Liesel S Sweenie Montessori Centre Academy
PA 80 Adam C Isselmann Reiffton School
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National Honor Roll: TX
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
TX 100 Judy S Minghui Affinity Academy
TX 95 Avishai R Minghui Affinity Academy
TX 95 Richard W Minghui Affinity Academy
TX 90 Student70999 Sarkar Individual
TX 85 Jaxon R Radcliff Individual
TX 85 Joshua T Popel Russian School of Mathematics
TX 80 Olivia Z Zawada LIGHT Katy Coop
TX 80 Guru Sashank A Popel Russian School of Mathematics
TX 80 Ayaan G Popel Russian School of Mathematics
TX 80 Nathan T Popel Russian School of Mathematics
TX 80 Shourya V Popel Russian School of Mathematics
TX 80 Anirudh G Baldwin The Honor Roll School
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National Honor Roll: VA
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
VA 100 Arnav M Mahajan Stone Hill Middle School
VA 95 Avishi A Chung River Bend Middle School
VA 95 Megha A Mahajan Stone Hill Middle School
VA 95 Neil R Mahajan Stone Hill Middle School
VA 90 Nathan L Huang Alpha STEM for the Gifted
VA 90 Colin C Ghattu Greenbriar West Elementary School
VA 90 Anirudh M GUPTA Math Coaching by Narender Gupta
VA 90 Praneel M GUPTA Math Coaching by Narender Gupta
VA 90 Timofei G Palamarchuk Russian School of Mathematics - Reston
VA 90 Saanvi D Mahajan Stone Hill Middle School
VA 85 Aditi A GUPTA Math Coaching by Narender Gupta
VA 85 Tanmayi M GUPTA Math Coaching by Narender Gupta
VA 85 Rishitha M Palamarchuk Russian School of Mathematics - Reston
VA 85 Jayesh Reddy M Mahajan Stone Hill Middle School
VA 80 Zifei Z Ghattu Greenbriar West Elementary School
VA 80 Anuj D Dasgupta Individual
VA 80 Sumedh P GUPTA Math Coaching by Narender Gupta
VA 80 Supreetha C Zhongyi Russian School of Mathematics
VA 80 Anushka D Zhongyi Russian School of Mathematics
VA 80 Ryan Y Zhongyi Russian School of Mathematics
VA 80 Polina A Palamarchuk Russian School of Mathematics - Reston
VA 80 Shveta S Palamarchuk Russian School of Mathematics - Reston
VA 80 Medha P Mahajan Stone Hill Middle School
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National Honor Roll: WA
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
WA 100 Harry Z Liu Open Window School
WA 95 Jason Y Liu Open Window School
WA 90 Ryan H Munson Lincoln Middle School
WA 90 Miles T Munson Lincoln Middle School
WA 90 Phil Y Liu Open Window School
WA 85 Nidhir N Pavicevic Archimedes
WA 85 Callia P Pavicevic Archimedes
WA 85 Jennifer X Liu Open Window School
WA 80 Gautham M Slater NSD - Skyview
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National Honor Roll: WI
State Score Student Name Team Leader School
WI 85 Jonah S Jacobson Northside Intermediate
WI 85 Anish P Miller Oregon School
WI 80 Keanna D Miller Oregon School
WI 80 Riley M Egan Silverbrook Intermediate
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