Competition Mode |
What is Competition Mode? Competition Mode allows aspiring students to compete and showcase their weekly achievements in the Challenge Math Online program and gives them a chance to earn a spot and see their ranks on the weekly leaderboard. Below, we will cover who should join, how to join, and how points are calculated. Who Should Join Competition Mode?
Competition Mode is designed for students who enjoy and excel in a competitive environment, and every student currently enrolled in the Challenge Math Online program is eligible to participate! If your students are motivated by comparing their performance with others and earning a spot on the weekly leaderboard, this mode is for them. It’s important to remember that the main purpose of the program is to practice and learn. Choose the mode that best supports your students' growth and enjoyment in learning! How To Participate (or Opt-Out)?
Important Things to Note:
How are the Points Calculated?
The total points a student earns in a week is the sum of the points from all of their weekly assignments, determined by both the scores and the time spent on each assignment. Here is the current formula* to calculate the points for one assignment: points = s + max ((20 - t), -20)
For example: Student A scores 80 and 100 on the past week's two assignments, completing each in 18 minutes. The total points Student A receives are: (80 + (20 - 18)) + (100 + (20 - 18)) = 184 Student B scores 80 and 100 on the past week's two assignments, completing each in 45 minutes. The total points Student B receives are: (80 + max( -25, -20))+ (100 + max (-25, -20)) = (80 - 20) + (100 - 20) = 140 Have fun! We hope Competition Mode will bring more excitement to your weekly challenge. Enjoy! Questions? Please contact us at